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Archive for the ‘cleaning tips’ Category

3 Reasons to Keep Your Oven Clean and Tidy

June 21, 2024 by Michael Hele

If you own an oven, keeping it clean and tidy can be a chore. However, keeping your oven clean is also very important. Whether it’s for basic hygiene or improving performance, there are lots of benefits to taking the time... View Article

End of Tenancy Cleans – What Do Landlords Look For?

June 17, 2024 by Michael Hele

So, cleaning your apartment for the end of your tenancy is a normal part of returning your security deposit and moving on from this chapter of your life. With that being said, what are landlords looking for when they inspect... View Article

Clean Carpets, Clean Airways – How Carpet Maintenance Prevents Allergies

May 27, 2024 by Michael Hele

As we move into the summer, we are sadly approaching allergy season and for many people it has probably already begun. Seasonal allergies are a pain to deal with and often lead to irritation and discomfort, but they can be... View Article

The Cost of Cleaning – Looking at Time, Money and Resources

May 24, 2024 by Michael Hele

When it comes to cleaning your home, you probably don’t think too much about what it will cost if you’re doing it yourself. After all, if you just need a few cleaning bits and a day, what difference does it... View Article

End-Of-Tenancy Cleans – The Top Mistakes You’ll Make

May 20, 2024 by Michael Hele

When it comes to the end of your tenancy, you’ll want to try and get your flat looking as clean as possible because it makes a big difference to how much of your security deposit you’ll make, so you need... View Article

Getting to Grips With a Deep Clean – The Facts

May 17, 2024 by Michael Hele

Cleaning is an unavoidable and often annoying part of life. Most people try and clean as little as they can because in most cases, you don’t need to clean intensively, and it takes time and effort to clean properly anyway.... View Article

Tools Matter – How Cleaning Needs Good Kit

May 13, 2024 by Michael Hele

So, if you are trying to clean your home for whatever reason, you need to ensure you use the right tools for the job if you want to stand any chance at cleaning in the right way. After all, the... View Article

Understanding High Traffic Areas – How to Clean Properly

May 10, 2024 by Michael Hele

Cleaning is a part of life which can be done in one of two ways – with understanding of how cleaning works or by not getting it at all. It is important to get a bit of cleaning smarts on... View Article

The Top Reasons in 2024 to Outsource Carpet Cleaning to Professionals

May 6, 2024 by Michael Hele

Cleaning your carpet is often a specialist task which can take quite a long time to do. You often use a large amount of resources and spend multiple hours trying to get it looking good again, and this is simply... View Article

Does Your Oven Need a Clean? Our Checklist

May 3, 2024 by Michael Hele

One of the most frequent questions which we get asked is how we advise people on getting their ovens cleaned. After all, if you’re not an expert, then you probably don’t know what you’re looking for when it comes to... View Article